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  • Voice control allows you to control your Niko Home Control installation using your voice

  • Voice control makes it child's play to control your home, and it keeps your hands free too

  • Voice control for Niko Home Control users is possible with Amazon Alexa or Google Voice Assistant.

  • You can use your voice to control the most important actions in your Niko Home Control installation

  • In order to use voice control, you must activate a ‘Niko Home Control skill’ and link it to your Niko Home Control installation...

  • W tym celu konieczna jest integracja z producentami systemów sterowania głosowego. W przypadku Niko Home Control są to Amazon Alexa i Asystent Google.

  • In order to use Google Assistant, you will need a Niko Home Control II installation or Niko Home Control for traditional cabling and at least 1 smart speaker with Google Assistant functionality. You will also need a Google account.

  • You can easily create your account on the Google website. Click on ‘Log in’ in the top right and then ‘Create account’ on the next screen. Fill in all the details that Google asks of you.

  • Find out about voice commands.

  • In order to ensure optimum functionality for Google Assistant, it is best to adapt the names of your rooms, actions and devices in Niko Home Control to the language of the Google Assistant skill you have used.

  • Google Assistant is available in a range of languages, including English, French, German and Dutch. We recommend that you adapt the names of your devices, rooms and actions in your Niko Home Control installation to the language in which you wish to control your installation.

  • W celu umożliwieniaobsługi instalacji Niko Home Control za pomocą Asystenta Google, musimy udostępnić firmie Google część Twoich danych. Obok danych potrzebnych do obsługi funkcji Niko Home Control za pomocą Google, takich jak nazwy scen i harmonogramów, do Google przesyłanesą dane typu adres e-mail, za pomocą którego zarejestrowałeś swój system Niko Home Control oraz dane dotyczącepołączonych z nim urządzeń i pomieszczeń.

  • You can decide to stop using Google Assistant in your Niko Home Control installation at any time. The link can be removed in the Google Home app.

  • All questions and answers about your Google account and Google Assistant can be found on Google's website.